Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Curve 9300 Leak

Back on April 8th Crackberry outted a new Blackberry device by finding its UAP xml document on the Blackberry website, now they have found some photos for you to enjoy. What you're looking at is the newest Blackberry Curve 9300. It includes 3g, WiFi n, res 320x240, 256mb ram. Device looks great, except I have one gripe. On all my phones I have always hated how the camera lens gets dusty and dirty from every day use, this leaves my mobile photos looking about half as good as they could if the lens was clean. When I bought a samsung slider about 3 years ago I was pleasently surprised to see that when the phone was closed it kept the camera nice and clean. Then i stepped into the BB world and purchased a Curve 8310, I found myself constantly popping the battery door to wipe the dirt from the lens. Bold 9000 same issue, then finally RIM answered my prayers and released the 9700 the end all be all, lol, in all seriousness they definitley fixed the problem here. the lens on the 9700 is covered by a protective layer of plastic and it is airtight so theres no way dirt is getting in there, also a quick wipe of the thumb or tshirt will ensure your lense has no debris infront of it. Now this bloody Curve 9300 has reverted to the camera FAIL.  Look how deep the lens is ughhh it makes me shudder, I don't understand how these design flaws make it to production... RIM give me a damn job as a product tester!

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