Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blackberry Update WES 2010 Highlights

April 27th Mike Lazaridis delivered his keynote speech and introduced Blackberry 6 check out the videos!

  • App World Downloads - RIM has never been one to hand out App World statistics, but apparently now they are and they aren't too shabby. Mike said App World is delivering a million downloads per day.
  • OS 6.0 Availability - Coming in the next calendar quarter.
  • OS 6.0 Input - As thought (and makes sense) OS 6.0 will work on touch and non-touch devices.
  • OS 6.0 Backwards Compatibility - It seems the analysts in the room had the same burning question we have in terms of what current in-market devices will get OS 6.0. Mike L. didn't answer the question directly, but did make it clear that RIM will continue to do what they always do - carry on support for older devices as it makes sense (within memory limitations). So expect to see 6.0 launch on a new device and from there we'll see it trickle out to at least some current devices.
  • WebKit clarification - Mike L. clarified that the WebKit browser is an integrated part of OS 6.0. It's not a standalone app (you won't be able to install the WebKit browser on OS 5.0 for example). He further elloborated saying that it's not really a "webkit browser" but a WebKit rendering engine, which can be/is leveraged in areas/apps beyond just the browser.

Here's a sneek peek of the new operating system Blackberry 6

The InPulse Smartwatch for Blackberry Smartphones has been opened up for pre-orders at Price 149 USD.

Pearl 3G Launch video, according to Kevin Michaluk of Crackberry this device feels like a 9700 packed into a tight form factor! Totally excited for this new pearl!

Here's this Bold 9650 (AKA TOUR 2) compared to a 9630 and 9700

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